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Samstag, 27. Januar 2007

about this blog

Translation Thingy

I added a Babelfish-Logo (the yellow little fish) to my SMO-Line (below this post), it serves to translate from German -> English; but I might just optimize this more to provide little flags. Might make more sense ;)

Update: I added translation English-> German (German flag) and flags of UK and US (German -> English), just in case... ;) But I kept the babelfish ;)


Hitflip & Paid Blogging

Robert Basic weist auf das Paid-Blogging für Hitflip hin. Die erste Kampagne dieser Art isses ja nicht. (Opel, Ask.de)

- Es gab einen vorformulierten Disclaimer
- wurde nicht viral (noch nicht)
- zu wenige Blogs
- keine A-Blogs

Das aus dem Fazit von Hitflip's Andre Alper

Einerseits hat diese Form eventuell Akzeptanzprobleme, andererseits würde gerade A-Blogger etwas in dieser Art eventuell nicht machen.

Was würde besser funktionieren?
- Werbung auf Blogs? (Ja, denn ggf. gibt es transparent und gratis den Artikel dazu.)ist- Was originelles (Buttons, Gutscheine, irgendwas.)- Oder... ich hab da noch ne gute Idee, aber die ist nicht 'open source' ;)

about this blog

Topic: social spamming

I opened a new 'topic' here: social spamming.
I will try to keep those postings in english from now on - but I added some older stuff that fits there, which is still in German.

You can subscribe this topic seperately via RSS/ATOM/Webfeed: http://typo.twoday.net/topics/social+spamming/index.rdf

social spamming

Social Spamming - Systematics

I was talking with Timo Heuer about Social Spamming via Skype and he was so nice to draw (really ;) ) an systematic tree from my first thoughts.

I just wated to document this here, expand it a little bit with examples and make it machine readble.

Here is the drawing: Social Spamming - Schaubild at Timo Heuers Weblog]

If Social Spamming is 'Spamming in Web 2.0' [wrote about this here: http://typo.twoday.net/stories/3232181/ ] we have the following types

Social Spamming
* Bookmarkspamming (in del.icio.us and the like, creating SEO-links and traffic)

* Wiki Spamming
** Link in Wiki for Traffic and SEO
** Automatic generation of Links or entries in 'open' Wikis

* Weblog-Spam
** Spam Blogs (Blogs conatining LInks and Messages for SEO)
** Comment spamming (Spammer commenting in 'my entry' to point to his/her content/URL)
** Trackback-Spamming (Spammer setting trackbacks in 'my entry' to point t his/her content/URL)
** Referrer Spamming (Spammer linking to my Content, thus showing up in refefrre lists and on technorati ths creating seo-linking and traffic)

* Contact-Spamming
** creating attention and increasing a social network by requesting "friendship" or "contact" in social networks (may also contain or point to spam-content/URL
** this would also include 'enriching' SN-Guestbooks with more or less meaningless (contact-)messages (like in Orkut)

Should chat-spam be in here? Any sub-types?

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Januar 2007

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zu meinem GCal OliverG CamBlogger

Here's blogging at you, kid.

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