artikel, eigene
New Article: Alvar Freude and the state prosecutor
Der Konflikt des Netzkünstlers und Bürgerrechtlers Alvar Freude mit der Staatsanwaltschaft ist das Thema meines aktuellsten Artikels. [Alvar Freude, Langversion] [Alvar Freude, Kurzversion]
The conflict between the net-artist and civil rights activist Alvar Freude and the state prosecutor is the topic of my most recent article.
I am not surte if this Google-Translation does the job. If not: tell me - I might try a summary in English.
The conflict between the net-artist and civil rights activist Alvar Freude and the state prosecutor is the topic of my most recent article.
I am not surte if this Google-Translation does the job. If not: tell me - I might try a summary in English.
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